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Shared Dynamic Environment

A Shared Dynamic Environment is an environment which is seen and experienced by several people at the same time, and which if changed by one participant, the changes are seen and felt by all others.

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

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Shared Dynamic Environment


Resources in our database matching the Term Shared Dynamic Environment:

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Locally Hosted resource
AI Cars, Driving Like Hooligans
Stanford's Junior AI, on handbrake skid parking, without a human influence on the system, in dynamic environments, with only a two foot variance in position at 25mph. Or, the first baby steps towards dynamic switching between open and closed loop systems.

Locally Hosted resource
The VRT Concept
One of the problems with global, persistent, shared virtual environments, is time. More specifically, time zones. To demonstrate this problem, go to any non-roleplay virtual environment or even a simple chatroom with a fair number of participants, and ask people what the time is:

Locally Hosted resource
High Dynamic Range Photography, and Use in Eye Emulation
H.D.R., or high dynamic range photography is a relatively new technique used by photographers to take high-quality full lighting range photos that are near-indistinguishable from paintings, for their ability to correctly replicate the lighting of a given scene, exactly how the human eye would see it.

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Encoding smells in the Brain: A must for recreation?
Industry News

In early January 2008, a Rice University study published in the Journal of Neuroscience found that socioemotional meanings, including sexual ones, are conveyed in human sweat. This raises the question for immersive spaces, if such dynamic scents need to be synthetically reproduced to provide a firmer social environment in tele-mediation.

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An Introduction to MUSHes
?MUSH stands for Multi-User Shared Hallucination, and is derived from the mud family of online games. They are text based programs which allow multiple people to simultaneously interact within an artificial environment. This article will be focused on role playing MUSHes using the PennMUSH code base, although the TinyMUSH and TinyMUX code bases bear enough resemblance for this to be applicable.?

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Can robots ever be like humans?
A BBC article which, despite the title, looks into the ability of robots to collaborate and work together to achieve shared goals.

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Player-Driven Class Alliance System
A definition document for an interesting, and incredibly dynamic approach to classes and guilds, within a roleplay setting.

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A Case for Complexity?
What do players actually want from a world such as a MMORPG? Could it be that we are getting too complex in modern designs, and are turning them off, or is content too linear, too structured round the shared activity to be truly appealing? Decide for your self in this fascinating article.

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Soft-Edged Shadows
A coder?s article about creating realistic, dynamic soft shadow in real-time interactive, and complex scenes.

Locally Hosted resource
VR Interfaces: Barco RP-360 dome
The Barco R-360 is a double hemisphere display system for flight simulation that offers carefully balanced highly dynamic displays of up to 140 megapixel, completely surrounding the user.


Industry News containing the Term Shared Dynamic Environment:

Results by page

A new technique for creating structures and scenery objects by dynamic algorithm could radically speed up the task of creating landscapes within a world....

Simulation of mechanical systems

Mechanical systems simulation has always typically been a primitive branch of simulation. Individual moving parts have long been simulated working together, but a complete working engine in re...

Researchers in Switzerland are developing miniature vehicles that can self-assemble and then take off vertically and fly as a stable array.

The system, developed at the Institute of Dynamic Systems and Control at the Swiss Fe...

In women with lower urinary tract symptoms, a medical imaging technique called dynamic MRI allows clinicians to diagnose pelvic organ prolapse ? a condition that often goes undiagnosed on static MRI and at physical examination, according to...

At SIGGRAPH 2004, same as in other years, VR firms see it as a chance to reveal -hopefully- revolutionary new interfaces. This year has been no exception. This high-dynamic-range (HDR) display uses active light-emitting diodes behind a high...